Non-Western Art: Mexican Modernism

Modernism Art in Mexico has several different styles, but all fit into one era of art. The era started after the Mexican Revolution to help brighten the moods of those in Mexico. The Era lasted from 1920-1950. Although Mexican Modernism is split into several artistic styles, the movement attempted to create a new national identity in Mexico after the Revolution through original art that reflected Mexican cultures and traditions. Mexican artists wanted to distance themselves from European influence and, in turn, made a style that shows the transformations of Mexico after the 1920s. Still Life, 1942, Juan Soriano Still Life by Juan Soriano was made in 1942 in Mexico. The painting is very satisfying with the color palette chosen. The shading makes the blanket look rustled, adding character to the overall picture. Still, Life uses flowers and fruit on the table. I love how the brush strokes add texture to the back wall. The shading on the leaves to...